Whenever volunteers work on this or that small piece of the Point Wilson light station restoration, they meet visitors who have questions about the lighthouse. When was it built? (The first light was lit in a tower atop the keepers' house in 1879. The light was moved to the current lighthouse when it was built in 1913.) How tall is it? (From the its foundation to the metal tip of the lantern, the light tower rises fifty-five feet.)
That's great; we're always happy to stop and chat, and to answer any questions we can. But for most hours of most days, there's nobody around. Sadly, that means most questions go unanswered. To help with that we're working on developing and installing permanent interpretive signs along the paths around the lighthouse.
Even as we work our way toward that goal, it became obvious we needed to answer the Big Question: When can we tour the lighthouse? So, volunteer brothers Don and Dave Ehnebuske designed, built and installed a sign for the door of the lighthouse.
The mahogany-framed sign is made of tile that can be removed and replaced when the hours change or when tours are suspended during the winter.
If you're interested in the lighthouse and would like to help with its restoration or with showing visitors around, let us know by visiting our volunteer page. We'd be happy to meet you.